Monday, July 2, 2007

A few days to go and Snake Breakfast!

In a few days I will be Cherry Hill NJ (across the Delaware River from Philly) meeting all of my fellow PC volunteers. It’s still a little unbelievable. Just a little over a week ago I was in Los Angeles!

Since coming home to San Antonio I’ve been visiting with family, friends and shopping! Getting ready for the Peace Corps is like preparing for college or summer camp. Lots of lists, limited space. I still need a few items, like winter hiking boots but I may wait to buy those in country. Mostly I’m just trying to organize and store away all my stuff while I’m away for 2 years.

I did have a very exciting moment during breakfast on Monday….

I was enjoying a bowl of oatmeal and fresh blueberries when I heard a noise outside on the patio. A few branches had fallen to the ground. Not thinking much of it I went back to my oatmeal. A few moments later a much louder crash greeted my breakfast. I looked outside and on my parents’ patio was a large Texas Rat snake bouncing and writhing on the ground like a loose tire tube kicking and twisting in the wind. The snake quickly rebounded and wrapped around its own breakfast, a small bird. Camera in hand, and safely on the other side of a double paned window, I got ready to watch my own live version of Animal Kingdom.

Alas I am slightly clumsy.

As I was sitting down on the floor my camera tapped the window. I don’t know if the rat snake saw me but it did look straight at me and flick his tongue. He slithered into the brush soon afterwards leaving his leftovers in the middle of the patio. I couldn’t wait for my mom to come home and see the present the snake had left. Lucky for her, the snake came back.

About 30 minutes later, when I wasn’t looking, the snake gobbled his breakfast. I caught a couple of shots as he was returning to his home in the bushes to digest.

Perhaps I can add novice National Geographic photographer to my list of hobbies? Enjoy the photos.


Regina said...

LOL! Two things....
#1 - Learn parseltounge (Harry Potter can teach you!)

#2 - MY Texas rat snake story of 4 weekes ago. I can't publish the photos because i am goofy tech challenged Luddite - BUT - opened the garage door (outer) reached for the door to the house (in the garage) and ALAS - smalle rat snake WRAPPED around the door knob...(screaming yankee never seen snake...dirty word...dirty word...foot stomping and more swearing!
Needless to say...a lacrosse stick, a barbie butterfly net, and one of thos 20ft lightbulb changing pinchie thingies - snake is removed (in an avon box) and returned safely to the lake...
which, by the way is RAPIDLY encroaching my hood. Another story and another day....

Love to safe. be happy. smile without reason.
love you!

pam said...

Kelly-Wellie, so good to read your blog..We are anxiously waiting to hear more from you. Know you must get to internet and hopefully that will be soon.
Everyone is doing well here...just the usual rains, rains and then hot hot hot!
Talked with Papa OJ this morning (as I do everyday) and he is doing fine...just getting older as we all are.
Jennifer and Steven spent a night with your family when in SA and Steven found an efficiency apartment for this coming school term. David and family also came over as their air conditioning was out (can't do without that in Texas)so your mom and dad had a full house!
Keep safe and remember we all love you and are keeping you in our prayers.

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.